Portrait of Dr. Hakeem Collins


I am so thankful for your consideration of contributing to Hakeem Collins Ministries. We do not take such a covenant relationship lightly. It’s our partners’ commitment and financial seed that ensure we’re able to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the utmost parts of the world. We are most grateful for our covenant relationship with pillars, supporters, and friends in the faith. Your contribution or donation isn’t a one-time event but a spiritual investment.

It’s a growing, thriving and loving commitment where we both share in the benefits promised to us when we come together and spread the cause of Christ and further God’s Kingdom. I would love to link; connect with you as we sharpen each other for kingdom advancement. The Bible says iron sharpens iron. Together we can sharpen each other’s iron for effectiveness in the Lord’s work. Your weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly donations help this ministry fulfill its vision, mission, and purpose.

In partnering with us through your contributions, you’ll be distinguishing yourself as someone committed to Hakeem Collins Ministries and one who shares its vision to save the lost, help the broken, spread the Gospel, and advance the King and His Kingdom. As we grow together spiritually, I want you to see where we’ve come from (history) and where God is taking us (destiny).

Together, I’m sure we can impact the world and accomplish marvelous things to the glory of God. Remember, there is strength and power in partnership, and as this ministry grows, so will you. Again, thank you for considering sowing into this ministry. Prayerfully, you’ll be able to prosper with us…

Prophetically Yours,
Dr. Hakeem Collins

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