About Hakeem Collins Ministries

Why We Exist
Hakeem Collins Ministries (HCM) exists to facilitate individuals in their quest for wholeness, and freedom through the ministries of reconciliation, healing, restoration, reformation, and deliverance, as well as create an atmosphere for people from all walks of life, denominations, and races to be transformed, challenged, recognized, commissioned, and developed into “World Class Spiritual Leaders and Champions” that God has called them to be.
In addition, HCM is mandated to penetrate the world with the message of societal, cultural, global, and spiritual reformation. This is accomplished through strong relevant teaching, preaching, training, prophetic ministry, impartation, discipleship, mentorship, fathering, coaching, strategic partnership, innovative covenant relationship building, cutting-edge resourcing, and missions initiatives. We are on the cutting edge as catalysts of what God is doing on the earth and through each other to fulfill the GREAT APOSTOLIC COMMISSION.
Hakeem Collins Ministries(HCM) is a 21st-century cutting-edge, multi-purposed kingdom ministry designed to infiltrate all systems of this world with the kingdom Message to facilitate individuals in their pursuit and quest for wholeness through the ministries of reconciliation, restoration, apostolic reformation, healing, miracles, prophecy, and deliverance.